Just Imagine..


2017 could be a year for change. Imagine space is the exterior and the world is our interior. Rather than a blog I wrote a poem:

What would happen with no more bombs?
Imagine the world just got along.
People wouldn’t be defined by their race,
religious arguments would have no base.

What would happen with less hate?
Imagine what we could create.
A harmony amongst our brothers,
protecting ourselves and each other.

What would happen without greed?
Imagine money didn’t solve our every need.
We would all be equal in our worth,
and all treated the way we deserve.

14 thoughts on “Just Imagine..

  1. yuhublogger says:

    I liked the line ” People wouldn’t be defined by their race, religious arguments would have no base.” so true, I think there is a typo in the last line: “… and all treated the way e deserve.” I guess it is “… the way we deserve.”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. atmadvaar says:

    Hi Kashia.
    Happy New Year.
    You just redefined UTOPIA
    Sadly, that is never ever
    Gonna happen
    We humans are just
    Filled with too much hate
    To create a Utopia.
    Best wishes and regards.


  3. rogershipp says:

    Sounds like the beginning thoughts to a Beatles’ song.(That was a compliment! It is hard to know though typing when there is sarcasm -vs- honesty.)

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